Monday, November 29, 2010


Well the food filled Thanksgiving weekend is over i did not eat to bad. Tonight was a short run night 40 minutes total. Still training hard not going to have any cheat meals until Christmas Dinner. Well the 2 Christmas parties coming up but that can still be a good meal with out really cheating on my diet. More to follow.......

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Long run day!

Today was the first long run in this training series. Not a bad run 50 min and ran 5.14 miles. I then did so good hard core work. Looking forward to this run and meeting the survivors. If you have not looked it up please do and find out what the Japanese did to our soldiers.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day one Assessment

Tonight was the first run in my new program, a nice assessment run. It was 12 minutes then I ran another 18 minutes. I was a little run down tonight but still felt good. More to follow on my quest.....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Shoes

Had a good run tonight broke in a new pair of trail shoes. From what I have read is that the mext marathon has a lot of off road running. Ran a little over 5k tonight. Looking forward to the full start of my training as of 11/1/10.